You have tested the first « Walleriana smoothie » home-made, 100% healthy and tested by myself: the banana kiwi watercress detox smoothie. Some of you shared with me about their misgivings and doubts toward a green drink, but the few adventurous and curious enough ones faced adversity and were not disappointed by the result! I again try my luck with a pear banana dates smoothie with almond milk, more accessible (especially in terms of color!) which, hopefully, will delight the food lovers.
The fruits of the season being quite absent in March, we sometimes lack imagination: clementines season is over, and that of strawberries and other colorful fruits has not yet started (although it is already on the shelves…). For that matter, I am very eager to share my favorite well-being drink/breakfast of the moment: the pear banana dates smoothie with almond milk. A little happiness to wake your taste up in the morning and avoid the munchies around 10 am !
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
Ingredients to have on hand
- a pear (ok, pears in March are not really on top for seasonal fruits list. Nevertheless, we can find some raised in France and they are still very sweet!)
- a banana
- 5 dates
- 4 tablespoons of oat flakes
- 4 tablespoons of flax seeds
- cinnamon or vanilla
- unsweetened almond milk
- honey or agave syrup.

Preparation of the pear banana dates smoothie and health effects
- Cut the pear and banana into slices and toss them in your blender. Banana, contrary to what is often heard is not that calorific, and on the other hand is full of powerful antioxidant: recommended to combat cardiovascular disease, it will also cut your hunger without risking to make you put on weight! Pears, meanwhile, are an excellent source of fibre. Its skin would contain a significant supply of antioxidants (be careful to rinse before eating though).
- Stone the dates and cut them into small pieces (because unless you have a professional blender, large pieces may have difficulty mixing). Dried dates, when it is not coated with syrup for its conservation, is naturally sweet, and is a very good source of fiber and antioxidants.
- Add 20 cl of almond milk and mix!
- Then, stir in flax seed and oat flakes (be careful not to put too much oat flakes: they tend to swell and can make your smoothie real cake solid!). Flax seed facilitate digestive process and are a very good source of omega 3. Oatmeal, meanwhile, allows you to achieve a feeling of satiety, thus avoiding the cravings between meals. As part of a diet, it is therefore recommended to incorporate them into you breakfast. Finally, regularly consuming oats can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

- Play with the spices that you think are the most suitable for your recipe: cinnamon and vanilla, for example, marry very well pear and banana. Cinnamon, in particular, is rich in fibre and its antioxidants are very powerful.
- A tablespoon of honey or agave syrup will naturally sweeten your smoothie.
- Add almond milk again and mix until you obtain a homogeneous and fluffy mixture. As for the amount of almond milk, it is you who choose if you want your smoothie to be more or less liquid.

You get a pale pear banana dates smoothie, tinged with small brown dots (flax seeds and dates), full of vitamins and perfect to attack a big day at work! It is guaranteed 100% healthy and very nourishing.
Enjoy it early in the morning before taking off for work, or take it with you on your ride, with a straw. The smoothie is better drunk cool and will help you to not crack at 11 am on the chocolate bar lying on your desk (yes, yes, everyone is aware, you’re blown!).

You have tested and liked this wellness recipe?
Leave your comments, opinions, suggestions and send me your photos of pear banana dates smoothie at I will share them on Walleriana Facebook page and Instagram!